Nadeo Wiki
Base: Land
Car: Snow Car
Series: TrackMania
Featured in: TrackMania
TrackMania: Power Up!
TrackMania Original
TrackMania United
TrackMania United Forever
TrackMania: Build to Race
TrackMania Turbo

Snow is an environment in the TrackMania series.


The Snow environment makes no bones about combining blocks completely covered with snow or even ice with track sections made of "special traction” wood.


Snow was one of the original three environments from the first TrackMania game. Back then, it was called Alpine and was only featured in the Day mood. When the three environments returned in TrackMania Original, they all became available in the Sunrise and Sunset moods.

In 2006, when all of the environments were compiled into TrackMania United, the environments was renamed to Snow and became available in the Night mood. The last two games to feature the environment were TrackMania: Build to Race and TrackMania Turbo in 2010.


Classic Environments:

Desert | Rally | Snow | Island | Coast | Bay | Stadium

ManiaPlanet Environments:
Canyon | Valley | Lagoon | Storm1 | Cryo1

TrackMania Turbo:
Lagoon Rollercoaster | Canyon Grand Drift | Valley Down & Dirty | International Stadium
